Now Be You e-book
written by Leonora Be You and co-writer Elena Dumpiene

This is a first personal development book written by Lithuanian authors that has been published in 2015 and is still being printed till now!
Now Be You: A practical guide towards positive change e-book has been initially born with the name "Soul Arithmetic" in Lithuanian and has touched lives of thousands of people.
In this book, the universal invisible laws of life are discussed playfully and subtly, sensitively and without exaltation, knowing it will make it possible to achieve fulfillment in all areas of life. The author of the book, Leonora Be You, a personal change consultant, bases the text on her work experience, which has helped her strengthen the foundations of life, and illustrates it with convincing life examples. The book will inspire you to act, "shake up", encourage you to listen and get to know yourself, start on the road, help you develop skills in living in harmony with yourself, and most importantly, force you to make life changes NOW. Now Be You book is full of practices that are especially recommended in order to tame change, expand awareness, listen to our own rather than imposed desires, enjoy the gift given to us - life and move step by step towards happiness.
Leonora's thoughts were refined, tested in her life and written by Elena Dumpiene - a journalist with 14+ years of experience.
You can find Now Be You e-book on Amazon and the Lithuanian version in all bookstores in Lithuania and our online shop.
Topics covered in the book:
How to cope with fear of change
How to forgive and let go
Self-love and egoism
Exercises to practice self-love
3 worlds:
social, personal and intimate (inner) worlds that we shall separate
Meditations and practical exercises for your daily habits in personal growth
Everything you really desire is available to you. All you need is the knowledge of how to awaken the power that lies within us, which will allow to take from life what is yours - what is legally yours and what you have already brought by coming to this life.
leonora be You
Testimonials about the book
what changes were inspired in the lives of readers